Saturday, January 21, 2012

Day 1, 8 pm

Today wasn't too bad and I'm pleasantly surprised. No headache, no muscle aches. I do have to admit I'd like to eat some solid food but I'm ok without it for now. I have also had a lot of energy today. I think the worst thing I've experienced today was how many times I had to go to the bathroom; a good sign the detox is helping to flush fluids. I'm hoping tomorrow will be similar....then I'll be through the most challenging part of the detox.

1 comment:

  1. I feel like I had an easier time with the first day than I expected. I have been eagerly awaiting this week as I have felt for about 2 months that I would benefit from detoxing again. I think that having this attitude has helped me prepare for the fast. I also have really cut back on my caffeine intake over the past 2 months, so while I did have a bit of a dull headache mid-morning, it was nothing like the "spike through my temples" that I experienced the first time I did the Core Restore last January.

    To anyone who is going through the "spike in the head" feeling, my best advice it to really try to tough it out. If it is more than you can bear, sip on some organic green tea. That little bit of caffeine may be enough to make your headache bearable. Just remember, the quickest way to get rid of it is just to tough it out! It will get easier!
